Our demographic profiles are
designed to help you understand the people who live in a given geographic
area. The information we provide addresses two questions:
What are the people like who live in the study area?
2) What changes are happening in the area now and are likely
to occur in the future?
What will a Demographic Profile tell you?
Simple demographics is the study of population characteristics and changes. Simple demographic data for a particular study area can be obtained through our Raw Data Reports. Our Demographic Profiles include psychographic data, which identify the values, behavior and lifestyles of people within the study area. We use a tool called PRIZM which was developed over a 30-year period by the marketing industry to identify people with shared lifestyle preferences. In short, a Demographic Profile will analyze your study area in terms of:
ethnic groups
age groups
type of family
marital status
household income
Our studies are based on the latest available U.S. Census Bureau data. For example, in Spring of 2002 the government released the complete results of the 2000 census (the 10-year census long forms produce an incredible amount of information). Within days of that release we were producing Demographic Profiles based on that data.
Yearly updates are also performed by the U.S. Census Bureau, which usually releases the updated information in the Fall of that year. Within days of the 2002 September release we will be producing studies based on the 2002 Update with projected trends for 2007.
How will you use the information?
The usefulness of
this data is determined by the response it provokes. It can be compared to
fishing. Nothing motivates a fisherman more than evidence that
there are catchable fish around him. His efforts become more purposeful
as his focus shifts from simply "making an effort" to finding the most effective
means to bring in the fish that have been located. 1
For example...
Suppose a plateaued church discovers there's been a dramatic increase in young families and a rising birthrate nearby over the past two years:
Looking at this information together as a church, it becomes easier for the congregation to be led to upgrade their nursery facilities. Vacation Bible School leaders begin to gear up with new purpose, preparing to be ready with something exciting and effective as these newborns come of age. The focus of VBS shifts from simply providing a summer activity to becoming a real evangelistic tool as volunteers begin to envision a spiritual payoff to their investment of time and effort.
Why we offer this service
Our desire is for demographic information to be used in Jesus' name to initiate Kingdom work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through local churches.
We fully expect that many churches will be surprised when the 2000 Census data reveals a dramatic increase of Hispanics in their community. How will they respond to the implied need for Spanish-language churches, and for relationship-building ministries (which provide effective opportunities for presenting the Gospel) to help immigrant families assimilate into the culture?
Such demographic
changes present mission opportunities that will inevitably motivate and
identify churches for an entire generation. Whether good or bad, each
church's response to local population change will determine the label it wears
in the community
for the next 20 years.
is not to say there won't be times when the Master's voice will direct us
to simply cast our nets on the other side of the boat, even though all
evidence indicates there will be nothing to show for the effort.